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Irregular heartbeat is a common symptom many women experience

Irregular heartbeat is a common symptom many women experience While irregular heartbeat is often normal during this time, episodes are nevertheless sudden and alarming for many women. The first step in managing irregular heartbeat during menopause is to learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment. Read on

5 Uncommon Symptoms of Hot Flashes

5 Uncommon Symptoms of Hot Flashes Hot flashes are known to turn your face red and increase anxiety. Whether two minutes or thirty minutes, the increased heat, flushing, and quickened heartbeat are common and unquestioned. Do not be surprised, however, if some additional symptoms come alongside

Preventing Hair Loss

Preventing Hair Loss While there is no single way to completely prevent hair loss, just as there is no way to stave off natural hormonal processes, there are a few steps. That a woman can take to lessen her chances of developing severe hair loss,

How to choose a healthy drink?

How to choose a healthy drink? What is a Healthy Beverage? A healthy beverage is Water The ultimate healthy beverage is tap water (if safe to drink in your community). Food Guide recommends making water your drink of choice. Drinking water is important for your health, staying

Risk factors for Hair Loss

Risk factors for Hair Loss Some women are more likely than others to suffer because of inherent psychological, behavioral, and health reasons – such as obesity, stress, or past emotional trauma. These predisposing factors can affect a woman’s hormone levels and increase the chances of developing during her reproductive

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is a fat or oil extracted from fish tissue, usually extracted from some types of sea fish, such as mackerel , tuna, salmon, and anchovies. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are unsaturated fatty acids that the body cannot produce

What are some foods that lower blood pressure 

The DASH diet or blood pressure diet is a dietary principle that may be suitable for those who want to control their blood pressure and maintain their health in the long term. It may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases from high blood pressure

Celery Benefits and Precautions for Eating

Celery has a long stem, a wide lower base, and light green leaves. It is popularly used in cooking or freshly squeezed into a drink. Celery is rich in vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to health, such as vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin A,