Generalized myositis, a cause of chronic pain that should not be overlooked!

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Frequent body aches, sometimes feeling weak, unable to lift arms and legs. Having difficulty standing up and walking, may be warning signs of generalized myositis. In severe cases, there is a risk of respiratory failure.

Generalized myositis is more common in women than men, and occurs in people aged 30-50. This condition is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. It is a connective tissue disease that has yet to be identified. However, studies have found that there is an abnormality in the body’s immune system, resulting from inflammation of muscles in many areas at the same time. Causing muscle weakness. If the symptoms are severe, ufabet patients with chronic muscle weakness are unable to move or get up.

Signs of systemic myositis

  • Generalized inflammation is usually gradual, such as feeling tired, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue. And weakness in some muscles, and joint pain.
  • More severe symptoms will cause difficulty swallowing, frequent choking, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, and if symptoms last longer than 3 months, patients will have symptoms of muscle atrophy. The longer it is left, the more it will affect daily life and work. Therefore, patients must seek immediate treatment.

Treatment of generalized myositis

  • Medical treatment: Since long-term use of corticosteroids to reduce muscle inflammation can cause side effects, patients need to follow up on their treatment regularly.
  • Physical therapy is very important in treating patients to prevent muscle contractions, prevent entrapment and promote muscle strength.

Drug treatment and physical therapy must be done together to achieve the best treatment results, and patients need to have strong morale to fight the time-consuming treatment.