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Tag Archives: exercise

Jumping Jacks: A Dynamic Cardiovascular Exercise

Jumping Jacks: A Dynamic Cardiovascular Exercise Jumping jacks are a simple calisthenics exercise performed by jumping to a standing position with legs spread and arms raised overhead, then returning to the initial position with legs together and arms at the sides, in a continuous jumping

Preventing Hair Loss

Preventing Hair Loss While there is no single way to completely prevent hair loss, just as there is no way to stave off natural hormonal processes, there are a few steps. That a woman can take to lessen her chances of developing severe hair loss,

Sarcopenia in the elderly: causes and prevention!

Elderly people fall down. It is a big problem. It is not an exaggeration because it risks many complications. Let’s learn about sarcopenia, a major cause in the elderly that must be prevented and corrected immediately! After the age of 40, muscles and other body

Exercise to build muscle without equipment.

Revealing a way to exercise your muscles without using equipment, but requires discipline and training to increase your body’s strength and reduce muscle loss in the future! Exercise is definitely good for your health, whether it’s running, walking or doing a variety of activities that