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Tag Archives: Health

Jumping Jacks: A Dynamic Cardiovascular Exercise

Jumping Jacks: A Dynamic Cardiovascular Exercise Jumping jacks are a simple calisthenics exercise performed by jumping to a standing position with legs spread and arms raised overhead, then returning to the initial position with legs together and arms at the sides, in a continuous jumping

Preventing Hair Loss

Preventing Hair Loss While there is no single way to completely prevent hair loss, just as there is no way to stave off natural hormonal processes, there are a few steps. That a woman can take to lessen her chances of developing severe hair loss,

Risk factors for Hair Loss

Risk factors for Hair Loss Some women are more likely than others to suffer because of inherent psychological, behavioral, and health reasons – such as obesity, stress, or past emotional trauma. These predisposing factors can affect a woman’s hormone levels and increase the chances of developing during her reproductive

Elderly anger may be a sign of poor mental health.

About 20% of adults 55 and older experience some type of mental health problem. Here are some reasons why older adults may be more irritable and moody! Many people are negative towards the elderly because they may have had bad experiences. Such as being yelled

Exercise to build muscle without equipment.

Revealing a way to exercise your muscles without using equipment, but requires discipline and training to increase your body’s strength and reduce muscle loss in the future! Exercise is definitely good for your health, whether it’s running, walking or doing a variety of activities that

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are nutritious, packing a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese into each serving. They also have anticancer properties and may promote immune function and other health benefits. The fiber and antioxidants in sweet potatoes can be beneficial for gut health.  Sweet potatoes contain two

What are the health benefits of broccoli? 

A green vegetable that many people enjoy eating, like broccoli. In addition to being a delicious vegetable. There are also many health benefits. What are the health benefits of broccoli? Let’s take a look.  1. High in antioxidants.  Broccoli has many types of antioxidants. And it is the main type of antioxidant

Benefits of Oregano.

Oregano has a strong flavor, warmth to dishes and a hint of subtle sweetness. It can be found fresh, dried, or as an oil and all have significant health benefits. Though typically used in small amounts, oregano packs in some important nutrients. One teaspoon of dried oregano can

Mussels, Health Benefits And Precautions For Consumption

Mussels, Health Benefits And Precautions For Consumption Mussels are one of the most popular seafood in Thailand.  are use in many dishes. Whether it’s a boiled menu, a fried menu, or an ingredient in a spicy salad or tom yam menu. In addition to being delicious Mussels also

Aerobic Exercise For Heart Strength

Aerobic Exercise For Heart Strength Aerobic exercise is an exercise that increases the breathing. And heart rate to pump oxygenated blood to different parts of the body. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle. Helps lungs work better Stimulates circulation and blood pumping throughout the body. aerobic exercise Also